What’s What: An Open Floor Professional Movement Training 

with Geordie Jahner, PhD & Andrea Juhan, PhD

3-6 FEBRUARY 2023
Mana Retreat Centre, New Zealand
Book and Register here >>

What’s What: Sensation/Story

4 Essential Movement Inquiries for creating relationally successful environments 

This first course in a 4-part series will focus on expanding our capacity to unpack many difficult, but normal relationship confusions, how to manage overwhelm, unmet needs, assumptions, expectations and best of all, how to keep our relationships based in clarity and compassion.

80% of relational communication happens between our bodies, below or alongside the words or content. In situations that require intimacy, engagement, trust, productivity and collaboration, we need the ability to decipher the messages we receive in even the simplest of communications. What we feel, what we see, what we think, and what we say verbally, emotionally and nonverbally, can mean many different things at the same time.

The Open Floor curriculum works with 4 embodied processes that help us discern the complexities that are normal relational dynamics. They are called the ‘4 Differentiations’ – the art of singling out different aspects of our experience without losing sight of the whole. Differentiation is a crucial skill to learn in the quest for emotional and relational intelligence.

The 4 Differentiations are:

• Sensation from Story (starting this February 2023 NZ)
• Me from You
• Past from Present
• Intent from Impact

The relational environments that are important to us – work, home, community – can only be as good as our ability to communicate, to name difficulties and confusions, to soften defenses and get back on track again.

Open to anyone, and of particular interest to anyone exploring embodiment in a professional setting – conscious movement teachers, therapists, teachers of all kinds, coaches, managers etc.

This is an informal series in 4 parts, meaning this is the first program of 4. The others will be presented as world situations allow. Each workshop stands alone as its own worthy teaching and skill set.


Participants are recommended to have 10 hours of conscious dance practice. Please email these with your photograph to Nicole (email address below).


Dates: February 3, 2023 – February 6, 2023
Hours: Friday, Feb 3 – 3-6pm (Arrivals from 2pm)
Saturday & Sunday, Feb 4 & 5 10am-6pm
Monday Feb 6 – 10am-1pm
Program ends w/ Lunch

Early bird discount: $460 NZD for early payment of tuition in full by December 15, 2022
Full Tuition: $540 NZD after December 15, 2022
Open Floor Teachers and Teachers in Training discount: 20% discount from full tuition fee

Room & Board at Mana: from $150pp/night – includes 3 delicious vegetarian meals per day & shared accommodation. Private rooms available for higher price.

When registering please select a Tuition Fee AND a Mana Fee with your booking.



After registering

In order for Andrea, Geordie and their team to get to know you faster during the workshop, we ask that you provide us with a recent photo. This photo will be used in all future workshops with Andrea Juhan. Sharing your photo is optional. If you do not wish to share your photo, please let us know.

Email photos and a list of your pre-requisites hours of experience in conscious dance to nicole@andreajuhan.com

Andrea Juhan Open Floor Teacher
Andrea Juhan Open Floor Teacher

Andrea Juhan

Becoming an attuned and skillful inhabitant of a human body has always fascinated me

Embodiment as a path of study and devotion holds the felt sense of life as we live it, the creative qualities of imagination, inspiration, and art and the transcendent qualities of presence, compassion, love and Union with Spriti.

I have approached embodiment through every doorway I could find: Bodywork, Yoga, dance of all kinds, hiking, living life, being a mother, a lover, Somatic psychotherapy, meditation, through professional training, academic programs, and constant dedicated practice.

andreajuhan.com >>


Geordie Jahner

How do we use our dance practice to open doorways into an embodied experience of pure Presence, pure Awareness? How can our dance help us tap into and rest into that sense of something greater that holds us all – to cultivate a sense of grace, ease and resilience in our lives?

After 30 years of teaching dance as a healing art, Geordie is passionate about exploring ways in which our dance and embodiment practices can help us live more resilient, connected and mindful lives. She is curious to explore how we can use our dance practice to attune more deeply and know ourselves as inseparable from self, other & nature – as we learn how to care more mindfully for our bodies, each other and our beautiful habitat – planet earth.



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