Australasia Teacher Training
Applications Now Open
This structured training program prepares you to teach and use Open Floor Movement Practice in a variety of professional applications and settings.




Ground Floor Lab (online):  Sept 9-13, 2022 – with Geordie Jahner Ph.D. & Liat Lev Sokal MORE INFO or BOOK NOW >


Libido: Riding the Waves w/Andrea Juhan – fulfills embodied sexuality prerequisite for teacher training. In Auckland (Titirangi Hall):  January 19-22, 2023


Join us for this residential, in person training held at Mana Retreat Centre, Coromandel, New Zealand


Phase 1 (Immersion + Ch 2 + Practicum): TBD
Phase 2 Immersion + Ch 2 + Practicum): TBD
Phase 3 (Immersion + Ch 2 + Practicum): TBD
Phase 4 (Immersion + CH 2 + Practicum): TBD

This training will go ahead providing that Covid allows us to do an in-person training. There will be no online or hybrid option available.  And, we meet the minimum required number of trainees.

Meet Your Teachers

Geordie Jahner Ph.D

Geordie Jahner Ph.D

Open Floor Teacher & Teacher Trainer

Growing up in the midst a wonderfully large family in New Zealand, dance and music were my saviors, my loves, my way to discover and express a true sense of myself. The magic and beauty of dance continued as a strong resource throughout my life and deeply informed the unfolding of my life’s path.

Woven intricately into a parallel track of extensive academic study in psychology (BS, MA, Ph.D.), these two evolving threads of dance and psychology led me into myriad explorations of firstly, dance as a performing art, to dance as a healing art, and dance as spiritual practice.

Andrea Juhan

Andrea Juhan

Therapy in Motion Teacher & Teacher Trainer

Becoming an attuned and skillful inhabitant of a human body has always fascinated me. Embodiment as a path of study and devotion holds the felt sense of life as we live it, the creative qualities of imagination, inspiration, and art and the transcendent qualities of presence, compassion, love and Union with Spirit.

I have approached embodiment through every doorway I could find: Bodywork, Yoga, dance of all kinds, hiking, living life, being a mother, a lover, Somatic psychotherapy, meditation, thru professional trainings, academic programs and constant dedicated practice.

Are You Moved to Teach?

Join the next generation of movement leaders and community builders. Resource yourself and revive the world!

As an Open Floor Teacher, you will be making a significant contribution to social, emotional, physical, and planetary health in your communities.

Get started with this video > 

The teacher training program


The teacher training program is articulated in 4 phases. Each phase is dedicated to the study of a specific field of embodiment.



& Physical Embodiment



& Emotional Embodiment



& Embodied Mind



& Embodied Soul


Each phase has 4 components that must be completed before moving on to the next phase:


30 Hours of intensive personal practice and deeper study of its relevance to daily life.


20 Hours in small groups, building skillset as a teacher.


Completion of a set of recorded and live webinars to engage with faculty and other trainees.


A series of specific assignments such as teaching practice classes, developing music skills, and written reflections.


You will also receive ongoing individual and group mentoring throughout the training by an international group of highly respected teachers and meet with peer groups for inspiration and support.


As a trainee, you will be required to attend all 4 immersions, each one focused on the 4 dimensions of embodiment: body, heart, mind, and soul.

From each Immersion, you will receive:

  • 30 hrs of intensive personal practice with a team of highly experienced and talented teachers
  • An in-depth understanding of the Core Movement resources and their relevance to daily life
  • Insights on how to prepare and tend to the moving body so you can dance forever
  • Skills to include and attend to emotions, thoughts, stories, and patterns that hold us back and how to turn them into creative fuel
  • An opportunity to meet your peers in person and build relationships within the community

While our immersions are experiential and aimed at deepening your movement practice, as a teacher in training you will be required to complete 20 hours of practice days. Held in small groups, the practice days are dedicated to bringing the Open Floor curriculum to life in your teaching, and building the practical skills required for teaching Open Floor movement practice to others.

During practice days, you will learn:

  • How to design movement scores to teach each of the 10 Core Movement Resources
  • How to use physical anchors to keep bringing your students back to the body and learning through the lens of embodiment
  • How to ask the right questions and give instructions to increase your students’ self-awareness and mindfulness
  • How to include the 4×4 weave in your teaching
  • How to create exercises using other modalities in addition to dance
  • Understand different teaching styles and how to use them
  • How to teach people of all ages and abilities
  • Grow your insights into group dynamics and embody fluid authority

Part of your training will take place online engaging with faculty and other trainees in a series of live webinars, and viewing self-paced recorded webinars to further your study of embodiment and mindful movement. Each training phase will include a total of 9 webinars.

From DJ skills, to learning anatomy, to book clubs, our online courses cover a wide range of topics to support your learning and expand your skills as an Open Floor teacher.

As in any adult learning program, the work you do in between immersions and practice days is what will make the difference to the quality of your learning. Assignments include teaching practice classes, developing music skills, taking electives, reading, and writing reflections.

To share and demonstrate your growing skillset, you will be required to teach practice classes in your local communities or workplace that focus on specific elements of the curriculum.

Other assignments include:

  • Developing your music skills through assignments in musicality, creating soundscapes, and music technology
  • Completing a required reading list to enhance your theoretical knowledge of the work
  • Sharing written reflections with your mentor to document and anchor your learning


Together with your mentor, you will decide on a number of electives to enhance your understanding and experience of other people’s teaching by attending Open Floor workshops.

You will receive mentoring throughout the training program, including both individual sessions with your mentor and group sessions with your peers.

Pre-requisites & Additional study

If you are taking an immersion as part of the teacher training program, the prerequisites to start the training are:

  • A minimum of 120 hours of instructed study in conscious dance practices*
  • At least 60 of those hours must be Open Floor Movement Practice
  • Your Open Floor hours must include One Ground Floor Lab


If you are applying for the immersion and you are NOT enrolled in the Teacher Training program, the prerequisites are:

  • 50 hours of instructed study in conscious dance practices* 
  • At least 15 of those hours must be Open Floor Movement Practice 


*Conscious Dance Practices:  Open Floor, Soul Motion, 5Rhythms™, Movement Medicine, Freedom Dance, Azul, Tamalpa Life/Art Process, Continuum, Laban/Bartenieff Movement Studies. Let us know if there’s another conscious dance practice you have studied that you would like us to consider. 

By the time you graduate from the teacher training program, you must have completed: 

  • 250 hours Conscious Dance practice* including a minimum of 180 hrs Open Floor Movement Practice
  • One Libido Fundamentals workshop (15 hours) or equivalent study in embodied sexuality (coming up January 2023, Auckland New Zealand click her for more details)
  • 20 hours Mindfulness study & practice 
  • 15 hours Experiential Anatomy & Neurophysiology

These do not need to be completed in order to apply for the training, but are required in order to graduate from the program.  

*Conscious Dance Practices:  Open Floor, Soul Motion, 5Rhythms, Movement Medicine, Freedom Dance, Azul, Tamalpa Life/Art Process, Continuum, Laban/Bartenieff Movement Studies. Let us know if there’s another conscious dance practice you have studied that you would like us to consider. 

Essential Information & FAQs about the Teacher Training

Phase 1  Common Ground Immersion & Practicum  Jan 30 – Feb 10, 2023
Phase 2  Common Sense Immersion & Practicum  Sept 10 – 22, 2023
Phase 3  Common Knowledge Immersion & Practicum   Feb 22 – March 5, 2024
Phase 4 Common Good Immersion & Practicum  Sept 10 – 22, 2024

Please Note:


All the Australasia Immersions and Practicums are in-person, residential programs at the Mana Retreat Centre in Coromandel, NZ

 Your teachers will be Geordie Jahner and Andrea Juhan

Training costs announced June 30, 2022

Payment options will be published 3June 30, 2022

Tuition fees include:

  • Admission to all 4 immersions and practicums
  • Group Mentoring sessions
  • Individual Mentoring sessions
  • Live and recorded webinars
  • Coursework resources and documents
  • Access to our training portal and online communities
  • Administrative support


What’s NOT included:

  • Living expenses or accommodations
  • Meals
  • Transportation for in-person events
  • Books from required or optional reading lists
  • Elective workshops
  • Any additional training or mentoring needed to complete the prerequisites for the training

OFI has two scholarship funds that support those who are in financial need and wish to study.


A mudra is a position in which we place our bodies to cultivate a specific awareness. The spirit of the mudra of sobriety is “neither more nor less than necessary.”  This is what we ask you to contemplate, in consideration of your own true needs, and all others who need help too.

  1. Find a quiet place where you can sit undisturbed for 5 or 10 minutes.
  2. Sit with your legs crossed and spine straight, as best as you are able.  
  3. Rest your hands on your knees, palms down. Breathe for several minutes and let yourself settle, until you have a sense of quiet.  Then consider:
    • What program do you want to attend, and what is the cost?
    • How much of that amount can you manage yourself?
    • How much do you need from the collective scholarship pool to attend?

When an answer comes to you, please request an amount that is neither more — nor less — than is necessary for you at this time.


OFI provides scholarships to increase the diversity of OFI students and teachers. To qualify for the scholarship, prospective students demonstrate a commitment to diversity as it relates to their interest in mindful movement for personal healing, professional growth, and community building. Priority is given to applicants who belong to racial, religious, cultural, sexual identity, geographic, and ability groups that have traditionally been underrepresented populations in the field of mindful movement and conscious dance. 

Purpose of the Fund 

With this Scholarship, Open Floor International is taking a first step in reaching a goal of students and teachers being reflective of the world where Open Floor is practiced. The majority of OFI’s current teachers live in the US, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. Most are European or of European descent, speak English fluently, are 35 – 65, identify as women, and are able-bodied.  We are actively looking to expand our reach outside these populations with our scholarship fund. If you identify as Black, Indigenous, Person of Color (BIPOC), LBGQT+, gender fluid, differently abled, and/or you live in less wealthy regions, we would like to hear from you. 

There is a $50 non-refundable application fee. After paying the application fee, you’ll be directed to our application form.

NOTE: The form does not save your responses as you go along, so please be prepared to fill it out in one session. We suggest that you download the questions in advance, type your responses in a separate document, and then copy/paste them into the form.

After submitting the form, your references will be contacted and the faculty will review your qualifications. You’ll receive a response in no more than 30 days.

If you are accepted, you’ll then be directed to make a payment to hold your space on the Teacher Training.

Words from Teacher Track Graduates

Ashleigh Shepherd

Ashleigh Shepherd

Open Floor Teacher

“Open Floor International is a collective of extraordinarily diverse and talented embodiment teachers who offer a wealth of knowledge and experience. Rather than delivering a rigid and formulaic way of teaching, Open Floor invites trainees into a treasure trove of embodiment practices curated by these powerful teachers. Through experiencing such an array of teaching, both in style and content, we learn how to access the body in many different ways, and come to life as a student of the body, the critical ingredient for anyone considering being a teacher. Likewise, we are encouraged to discover our voice, embrace our creativity, mess-up, recover, stay human, and come more and more alive along the way. Studying with this community has been absolutely life-changing. These teachers are not to miss!”

Shelly Hermon

Shelly Hermon

Open Floor Teacher

“Everything about the teaching and what stands behind the organization resonated with me. In a world that’s suffering from segregation and loneliness, addressing and working with these issues through movement, is a true calling. As teachers, we create a welcoming space for individuals to come home to themselves and their bodies, connect with others and feel a sense of belonging – what the world so desperately needs.”

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